Pobal’s WorkAbility: Inclusive Pathways to Employment Programme is a five year programme, co-funded by the EU Employment, Inclusion, Skills, and Training Programme (EIST) 2021-2027 and the Department of Social Protection (DSP).
The Programme aims to support people with disabilities aged 16 and over who are currently not work ready and/or are distant from the labour market in gaining access to employment/self-employment.

Blue Teapot’s WorkAbility programme has been developed to provide a new work-ready programme for our ensemble actors and 3rd year Performing Arts School students, to support them with knowledge, resources and skills within all aspects of the arts sector.
We will be partnering with arts organisations both locally and nationally, to access work experience and freelance work opportunities. Our actors and students will be supporting these partnering organisations by sharing their experience as ID artists and provide feedback and training to their staff.
For more information about this programme , please contact
This project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland, through the Department of Social Protection, and the European Union.