Support Us


As a not for profit organisation and registered charity, we rely on public support not only for donations, but also the generosity of others, from individuals to businesses for benefits in kind and much valued inputs from volunteers’ time.

By donating money, time, expertise, you will investing in making a positive difference to the creative lives of our artists, students and community theatre participants.

You will be helping us continue to make game-changing theatre and create opportunities for intellectually disabled artists and audiences to access the arts.

Make a Single Donation

Make a Monthly Donation

You can donate an amount of your choosing via the link below.

Blue Teapot Theatre Company - image of a yound girl in Sparkle

Let’s be friends

We all need our friends. By becoming a Friend of Blue Teapot, you will play a part in our future. Your friendship will directly support the artistic work we do, radically transforming theatre practices by telling stories through the lens of disability, creating a world where the arts and society are fully inclusive for people with disability. There are 4 levels of engagement:

Individuals & Families membership

In the Chorus: Annual subscription €100+

Benefits include:

  • Public acknowledgment of your friendship on our website and signage on the exterior of the building (optional).
  • An invitations to join us at Blue Teapot for an event (Director’s choice).

Business & Corporate membership

Supporting Role: annual subscription €500+ Benefits include all of the above Individual & Families membership plus:

  • Acknowledgement of your friendship in our ezine and social media platforms.
  • An opportunity for Friends acknowledgment within online and printed programmes (Director’s choice).

Rising Star: annual subscription €1,000+
Benefits include all of the above plus:

  • An opportunity for you and your team to come visit the Blue Teapot team (At Blue Teapot, Munster Avenue).

Leading role: annual subscription €5,000+
Benefits include all of the above plus:

  • An opportunity to experience a back stage tour and meet the cast at a Blue Teapot production (Director’s choice).
  • Prominent, top level sponsorship acknowledgment on Friends signage on the building and online.

As Blue Teapot is an authorised body under the Charitable Donation Scheme, tax relief is available on annual donations above €250. If you are an individual or family that donates €250 or more in a year to us, Blue Teapot can claim a refund of tax paid on that donation. If you are a company that donates €250 or more to us in a year, you can claim a tax deduction as if the donation was a trading expense. To find out more visit Charitable Donation Scheme.

Let’s talk, If you would like more information or to discuss the Blue Teapot Friends scheme please contact, Jane Parsons –

Thank you to our Friends

 The Kings Head Logo

How Are Donations Spent?

Directly in to the career progression/training & artistic supports to 45 people with intellectual disabilities.

  • Artistic development and high performance training
  • Supporting high production values of quality theatre, aimed for the main stages of major arts festivals.
  • Access costs – to facilitate signed or audio described performances.
  • Investing in future generations of artists at Blue Teapot by supporting our Performing Arts School and Community Theatre programmes.
  • Your donations do not go towards staff salaries or company directors.

Go raibh maith agaibh!

Heartfelt thank you to every individual or organisation who has ever contributed in support of our work, from funding agencies, businesses and the public. We couldn’t do it with you.

Governance page
Blue Teapot Theatre Company

Donate Your Time

Blue Teapot is clearly strong at advocating for often unheard voices, and at fostering talent and joy in actors, students and volunteers alike” (Volunteer)

Not all donations are monetary. You could also offer Blue Teapot your time or expertise. We rely on volunteer inputs across all programmes. If you would like to join our team, we’d like to hear from you.

Volunteers Form

Download Online Form