Community Theatre
Our Community Theatre Programme has two distinct strands:
BRIGHT SOUL that caters for adults 18+ years and SPARKLE that caters for youth 12 – 17 years who are curious about performance. Both offer participants the opportunity to enjoy fun, skills development theatre workshops, with spring and autumn terms of approximately ten weeks. Each project can be a pathway into the more formal training environment of the Performing Arts School.
This programme is for youths aged 12 – 17 years.
Sparkle is the first point of contact a young person aspiring to perform can make with Blue Teapot. It is specifically designed for this age group, to encourage development of creativity and social skills. Tutors focus on the basics of theatre techniques such as group work, concentration and exploring imagination through playful improvisation.
Sparkle can be a pathway for those who want to apply to our 3 year QQI accredited Performing Arts School or, upon reaching 18 years, join Bright Soul.
Application form
SparkleBright Soul
This programme is for adults 18+ years.
Bright Soul is our longstanding arts participation project which began in 1996 as a creative outlet for adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. Today, it maintains that original ethos, placing an emphasis on fun in practising theatre skills and the sheer joy of performing.
Bright Soul runs for two terms per year (spring/autumn) and is multi-generational. Some original members still attend while newer participants have used this experience as a stepping stone in to the three year QQI accredited Performing Arts School programme.
Application form
Bright Soul